the self-isolation diaries #8


I walked today. It is the first Sunday of the month, and as a rule I lead a charity walk from the pub to raise funds in support of the Brain Tumour Charity. In normal times, a couple of dozen friends will gather at the Sweffling White Horse at 10.30 in the morning and set out for a healthy stroll along a circular route of around five miles or so, bringing us back to the pub for a leisurely hour or two in fine company and excellent beer.

But today I walked alone. Well, I say alone, but Timmy was with me, analytically sniffing every blade of grass over the three miles of our route. I have no idea how many people did the walk today, but it was suggested that we go-ahead regardless of the social distancing rule that overhangs all our days.

The weather was magnificent, and there were a few souls out and about, but mostly seen at a distance. It is heartening to see how we recreate normality from such bare bones. I mentioned on Facebook that I was fundraising with this walk, and friends have been so remarkably generous. So far today I have raised £84.00. That’s wonderful.

The idea of this fund-raising walk began with Matt Bayfield, a local singer who was diagnosed with a tumour three years ago, and set up his walk and talk challenge. He was a popular figure at the pub, although I didn’t know him personally. Matt died a few months ago.

But we keep this going every month, regardless of weather. Now the relentless rains of winter are behind us, and the soil has hardened in just a few weeks. The ground here is either clay, which holds the water and becomes swampy in wet times, and quickly becomes too hard to work, or sand, which is given to erosion, and drains suddenly. It will be a poor harvest this year, I fear.

Marie suggested that as an added incentive, we make this a treasure hunt, and forage for wild garlic. I picked a decent bunch from the woods beyond the bothy, and made a pesto sauce when I got home. I used pistachios, in the absence of walnuts, which is the usual nut to put with garlic. It was surprisingly delicious.